Promoting Responsible Development, Management, and Stewardship
Tritium, Inc. offers a wide range of hydrogeologic consulting services from the development and maintenance of high-capacity wellfields to regional water resource monitoring and modeling. Our state-of-the-art equipment combined with nearly 20 years of groundwater and surface water expertise makes us one of the premier environmental consultants in the Midwest. We partner with our clients to produce effective strategies and high quality solutions to their water resource management needs. Contact us to learn more.
Tritium, Inc. Services
Discover Our Expertise

Wellfield Design and Installation
The initial hydrogeologic investigation begins with a thorough review of local and regional well logs and construction of geologic cross-sections to evaluate the local geology. Test drilling at the proposed wellfield verifies the geology as we direct the drilling, collect sediment samples, and conduct geophysical logging with our Mount Sopris equipment. We have worked with many drillers across Indiana, Michigan, and Ohio using mud-rotary, reverse circulation, and hollow-stem auger with split-spoon sampling. Well construction is supervised to ensure the wells conform to the local and state regulations related to setbacks, drilling methods, well construction materials, and well screen development. Post-construction inspection is performed and recorded using our Laval down-hole camera system.

Aquifer Testing, Analysis, and Modeling
Aquifer testing utilizes the production wells and observation wells to measure pumping impacts. Our field staff is equipped with a variety of pressure transducers, electric water level meters, and ultra-sonic flow meters to measure pumping rates and groundwater level changes. Our hydrogeologists are equipped with years of experience and industry-standard software including AQTESOLV, AquiferWin, Groundwater Vistas, and ArcGIS to not only analyze the field data but to present legally defendable results in clearly understandable formats. We utilize our insights and skills to produce high-quality, professional analyses and summary reports that represent the hydrogeologic conditions and the potential impacts of groundwater production on the environment and other water users.

Groundwater and Surface Water Monitoring
Water resource management is an ever increasing concern and monitoring of both groundwater and surface water is an invaluable tool. The monitoring allows identification of long-term trends and potential threats to water resources. We have established multiple monitoring networks and currently manage nearly 150 active monitoring wells and stream gages each equipped with pressure transducers to record water levels and temperatures. Four of our monitoring wells are included in the USGS Groundwater Watch program. We have completed the USGS training for monitoring wells and streamflow measurements. Our monitoring includes streamflow velocity profiling, in-situ streambed conductivity measurements, aquifer performance testing and analysis, and construction of three-dimensional, regional and local numerical flow models using the USGS MODFLOW code.